Retele Electrice Romania relocates customer relations center in Bucharest

Business Forum
The relocation of the customer relationship center is an important step towards improving the customer experience and providing quality support tailored to today's needs. The center's opening hours remain unchanged, open on Mondays and Tuesdays between 09:00 and 13:00.

The new space is designed to give customers fast and efficient access to information and personalized support. Among the services available, clients can benefit from detailed information and assistance with ongoing applications; guidance on how to resolve applications; advice tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Customers can access on the company's website,, the my account section where, based on an e-mail address and a password, they can find personalized information about the approved power at the place of consumption - POD ("point of delivery"), the demarcation point, the meter series and type, the date on which the meter was installed, the record of addresses sent to the distribution operator, etc., having at their disposal the necessary tools for the quick and efficient solution of operations in the relationship with the distribution operator Rețele Electrice Romania, such as: submitting connection requests, power increase, request for site permits, complaints, etc.

Customers also have the option to submit online the user installation file, essential in the grid connection process. The section dedicated to connection information is structured in stages, providing an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. In addition, the applications hub brings together the documentation needed for various interactions with the distributor, along with an interactive map of information centers and a page with accessible explanations of specific energy distribution terms.

On the home page, users can use the outage widget to quickly check whether there is a planned or accidental power outage by entering the POD code of the place of consumption.